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Education Reimagined: Student-led Learning | Dr. Catlin Tucker | TEDxFolsom
Q&A with Catlin Tucker and Katie Novak | What Inspired the Shift to Student-Led?
The Inspiration Behind The Shift to Student-Led? | Q&A with Catlin Tucker and Katie Novak
Unpacking Blended Learning, with Dr. Catlin Tucker
Reimagining a Sequence of Lessons with Blended Learning
Teachers: Reap The Benefits of a Student-Led Classroom
A Shift From Whole-Group Teacher-Led to Small-Group Student-Led Discussion, The Shift to Student-Led
Question Are my classes too big to do station rotation?
The Shift to Student Led - Book Study Session 1
Shift Your Formative Assessment Practice | How to Help Students Learn and Grow From Assessments
10 Minutes with Barb & Ron, Episode 35: Dr. Catlin Tucker and her new book
Blended Learning - Brian Simms - UK